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Uncharted Waters

So now the good ship Archipelago makes headway into the blogosphere, uncharted waters for her, beyond the Seven Seas – the Eighth Sea. If water is the word, which it is not, except for the tear in my eye as I wave the shore goodbye. O terra firma! When shall we two meet again? The experience reminds me of the blackest December day there ever was in my notebook. I was out on Galway Bay aboard our mother ship the immortal Naomh Eanna in 1968. The rain fell so hard it seemed to rise back again in a stratospheric ‘double wet’ – a phenomenon described, on a smaller scale, in Katherine Rundell’s ‘Bate’s Creed’ (Arch 4). It fell and rose…

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Caught By The River

We are thrilled to welcome readers of Caught By The River to the shores of Archipelago! Caught By The River began in summer 2007 and shares much in the way of common ground, and even common contributors, with our own endeavours here at Clutag Press and more specifically with Archipelago. The site encompasses everything from bird watching and urban rambling to poetry, art, gardening and, last but by know means least, fishing. If you are not familiar with our watery friends we recommend that you check them out, starting with a review of our very own ARCHIPELAGO, Issue 5: Caught By The River – Archipelago

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